L is for... Louis Vuitton Condoms...?!

Yes, seriously.



Lovely! Look at the detailing of the embossed logo on the rubber- so luxurious. And you will look so hot with one of these in your wallet (because that's all you'll be able to afford). Sexy.


In fact, this one's likely to stay in your wallet longer than that Durex you had from years 9-13, because really, from a girls perspective, this is just... laughable? I can't speak for all girls, and perhaps I am the minority in thinking that this concept is just ridiculous, but come on? Designer condoms? Seriously? I thought JLS were pushing it...

"How much?" I hear you ask. Well, they're very reasonably priced (NOT) at $68 (£42.81) EACH.

Now, I am over-reacting slightly. Ok, a lot. After doing my research it does seem that, actually, Louis Vuitton has little to no involvement in the production of these little sperm collectors. In fact, it was purely a design created by artist Irakli Kiziria, that they are now looking to put into production and launch on World AIDS Day- all proceeds going to amfAR, The Foundation For AIDS Research.

Feel a bit bad now. Good cause and all that.

You can't actually buy them in normal shops.

But it does make me cross that adding a brand name to an object can increase it's value by more than 30 times what you would pay without the branding. Charity or no charity. It's an insult to our intelligence that designers believe us to be that driven by consumerist propoganda that a logo would make us pay £42.81 for something that we could get, of the same quality and effectiveness, from Boots for £2.

Oh no, wait...

That's specifically a Mulberry handbag I'm after, and wellies? Always Hunters.

Off my "High Horse".
