L is for... Legitimate vs Illegitimate Rape (according to Todd Akin)

Once again I find myself dispairing over American Republicans (I'm mildly confident this will cease come December, but can't promise anything I'm afraid)...

I'm going to start diplomatically by saying I do understand the pro-life stance. I don't believe that having an abortion should be seen as a method of birth control for those unwilling to take responsibility for their actions; being stupid enough not to have some forethought before they engage in unprotected sexual activity. HOWEVER, I most definitely do NOT think that abortion should be illegal.

There are two reasons for this as far as I am concerned: firstly, I think it's the unselfish option for a person to terminate their pregnancy if they are fully aware that the child would be brought into a detrimental or unstable environment, for whatever reason. Secondly, I think abortion is completely viable in the case of pregnancy being a consequence of sexual assault.

A view which the Republicans do not share.

Republicans are notoriously pro-life and anti-abortion. When posed with the question of sexual assault, most Republicans skirt around it, or simply ignore the question altogether... Most Republicans that is, but not Rep.Todd Akin, GOP nominee for Senate in Missouri.

Here's what Akin has to say on the matter in an interview with KTVI-TV on Sunday...

If you're unable to watch the video for whatever reason, here's what he had to say transcibed, when asked if he supported abortion in the case of rape:

"From what I understand from doctors, that's really rare. If it's a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down. But let's assume maybe that didn't work or something. I think there should be some punishment, but the punishment ought to be on the rapist."

I am in no way shocked by these comments. Yes, they make me really cross and people should get angry about them. But it's not particularly shocking. Classic Republicans, innit?

Those of you who know me well enough will be aware that this subject is a little close to home, please don't read to much into me doing this post- I just found it so incredible, I couldn't not cover it. I really had no idea that if you're legitimately raped, your body shuts down to pregnancy? I mean, shouldn't someone have told the American Journal of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, who in 1996 found that the national rape-related pregnancy rate in the US is 5.0%- an estimated 32,101 pregnancies a year?

But then I guess those rapes must not have been legitimate, because biologically, you cant get preganant from being raped. Right, Akin? Unless of course for whatever reason, that well known bodily function fails...

Err, yeah. Alright.

"I'm impressed by Todd Akin's extensive knowledge of the functions of the female reproductive system. This obviously makes him a great candidate to enact future legislation that would directly effect the bodies of women in the great state of Missouri." - said the intellectually bereft Missouri voter.

OH! Naughty me.

Thing is, although I'm not sure this was particularly good PR for Akin, and people might be rethiking their votes, before this indescretion, recent polls placed Akin ahead of Claire McCaskill (Democratic nominee for Senate) by 11 points.

Now Missouri, do you really want to make this idiot your Senate?

The massive problem is though, that Republicans such as Todd Akin are not just idiots; because they represent the US Government and are in line for positions of power, they are dangerous idiots. Akin also wants to stop free school meals for some of the poorest families in the US, claims that liberalism is really a hatred of God, and has an "A" rating from the NRA (National Rifle Assosciation).

He represents a state (Missouri), who scored just 4 points out of 100 on the Brady Campaign test, which is an initiative to prevent gun violence. The US Government often speak out against criminal gun violence, and yet, when someone comes up with the sensible solution of banning fire arms, they speak out louder against that. A sentiment I am sure has nothing to do with the copious amounts of money the NRA put into political campaigns... NOT. So ridiculously corrupt.

Anyway, this whole anti-abortion thing? Yeah, the opinion spans (however hard they refuse to condone Akin's choice of words) across the whole of the Republican party, and if Mitt Romney wins the election, the banning of abortions throughout the US could well become their reality. But then, considering a recent survey of international data by sociologist Tom Smith showed that 60.6% of Americans have "no doubt" (yes, no doubt at all) that God is real, perhpaps the majority of the US would thank God for such legislation?

Nice one America; yes, let's increase the population by banning abortion, put a greater strain on the economy due to the increase in child welfare services, and better still, drive abortion underground for unregulated, at-home surgery! Good plan.

Here is the statement released by Akin's campaign in light of his comments made in the KTVI interview:

"As a member of Congress, I believe that working to protect the most vulnerable in our society is one of my most important responsibilities, and that includes protecting both the unborn and victims of sexual assault. In reviewing my off-the-cuff remarks, it's clear that I misspoke in this interview and it does not reflect the deep empathy I hold for the thousands of women who are raped and abused every year. Those who perpetrate these crimes are the lowest of the low in our society and their victims will have no stronger advocate in the Senate to help ensure they have the justice they deserve.

"I recognize that abortion, and particularly in the case of rape, is a very emotionally charged issue. But I believe deeply in the protection of all life and I do not believe that harming another innocent victim is the right course of action. I also recognize that there are those who, like my opponent, support abortion and I understand I may not have their support in this election.

"But I also believe that this election is about a wide range of very important issues, starting with the economy and the type of country we will be leaving our children and grandchildren. We've had 42 straight months of unacceptably high unemployment, trillion-dollar deficits, and Democratic leaders in Washington who are focused on growing government, instead of jobs. That is my primary focus in this campaign and while there are those who want to distract from that, knowing they cannot defend the Democrats' failed economic record of the last four years, that will continue to be my focus in the months ahead."

Ah, he just "misspoke"!

Seriously though Missouri, surely the quota of crazy in congress has already been filled? And the addition of Akin wouldn't benefit anyone? Especially not the 32,000+ women in the next year who are going to be "illegitimately raped" and fall pregnant...

I dispair (again).
