L is for... The Law of Fashion.

I've been having a great time reading about James Laver tonight. In case you don't know who he is (I didn't), he was a museum curator for the Victoria and Albert Museum in London from the '30s through the '50s. He was also a fashion theorist and historian and came up with this brilliant timeline of the rise and fall of trends in fashion...

Laver's Law:

Indecent: 10 years before its time

Shameless: 5 years before its time

Outré (Daring): 1 year before its time

Smart: Current Fashion

Dowdy: 1 year after its time

Hideous: 10 years after its time

Ridiculous: 20 years after its time

Amusing: 30 years after its time

50 years after its time

Charming: 70 years after its time

Romantic: 100 years after its time

150 years after its time

I think that my favourite thing about it is the use of the words 'outré' and 'dowdy'. But it's so true! And reminded me of another, similar, more up to date take on Laver's Law. A diagram created by Emily Miethner:


The hat analogy is brilliant. Forgive me for continuing it...

These theories, as simple, yet accurate as they are, unfortunately got me thinking about how fickle fashion is. And how fickle WE are with fashion. It makes me concerned about the superficiality of fashion and how ridiculous a concept it can be. As of course, whether it is shameless, smart, ridiculous or beautiful, the hat is still the hat. It.is.the.same.hat! It hasn't changed! But the way we feel about it has.

Perhaps for some, that is what makes fashion so great. As it is the feelings towards the hat, and the connotation of history that seems to attach itself to the hat that makes it fashion. Not just a hat. The hat becomes more than just material, it becomes metaphorical. Perhaps it is the art of fashion that is a concept I find difficult to grasp.

I guess one of the best things about this though, is that you can apply it to almost anything; music, art, architecture, interior design...

In any case, if it means that in 140 years time I will consider my bolt jeans, skateboard-riding, dirt-bag grunge look 'beautiful', I'm willing to abide by the law of fashion.

But just to be clear, I will never surrender my Tamagotchi to words like 'ridiculous'.
