I is for... Immunising Celebrity Stupidity.

Celebrities are dangerous. Blanket statement, sure. But if it's not Rihanna glamorising domestic violence, it is Professor Green deeming bulimia nervosa as an "intelligent eating disorder". The most recent addition to this dangerous new group of celebrities who talk avidly about topics they have no knowledge of is Rob Schneider, who has taken to advising against vaccinations...

"...by far the most insidious of all Government intrusions is the one happening right now in America by Big Pharma in their collusion with our representatives in Government. Government coercion to force parents to make their children take any invasive medical procedures (vaccination of their children) is something out of an Orwellian nightmare or Nazi Germany. Just remove the word vaccine and replace it with an other medical procedure and you will begin to see how regressive and criminal this is."

You know what should be criminal? Giving medical advice to people when you don’t know the first thing about medical science. Trying to paint such a vital public health issue as some freedom violating, Big Brother tactic, is actually one of the most irresponsible things ever. Since morons like Schneider keep encouraging other idiots not to vaccinate their children, Measles and Rubella, diseases that were previously under control, are getting way more prevalent, and putting the lives of children and adults in real danger.

Schneider continues:

"Vaccines, unlike any other drug, is a one size fits all nightmare. The Vaccine makers insist ALL VACCINES MUST BE TAKEN BY EVERY ONE IN THE SCHEDULE THAT WE DECIDE! Name one other drug that is given such impunity. Every person is different and their precious immune systems don’t react the same way. 49 doses of 14 different Vaccines before the age of 6 is mandated by Doctor convenience and Big Pharma profits not patient wellness or sound scientific reasoning."

Ok, so it is true that everyone’s immune system doesn’t work exactly the same way, but it is similar enough that a Rubella vaccine will work on just about everybody. The reason it’s on a schedule is to ensure the vaccine actually works. Since children are given a weakened or dead form of the virus, the body’s immune system doesn’t always kick in. Multiple shots ensure a higher probability of immunisation. And the scheduling of these shots tend to coincide with the level of social interaction the child is engaged in. So, if a child is about to go to primary school, it’s pretty vital that he/she be properly immunised, otherwise they could put other lives in danger.

Schneider thinks he’s fighting for people’s freedom, but all he’s doing is helping to ensure these treatable illnesses spread to individuals who don’t benefit from a strong immune system. His famous catchphrase “You can do it”, obviously never referred to getting an education...

I mean, there's a whole list of fabricated "controversies" out there; "evolution controversy", "greenhouse effect is a lie", "scientology is victim of anti-religious governments", "solar-power is blocked by powerful oil producers", etc. I think that these "vaccinaction deniers" are actually amongst the worst. The most common allegation against vaccination is that "vaccinations cause autism"; this allegation is completely unsupported by any actual facts or research.

Actress Jenny McCarthy - the public face of the Vaccine-Autism Campaign controversy, has argued that her son Evan’s autism was triggered by immunisations. This campaign is trying to popularise the idea that vaccines contain toxic ingredients, such as antifreeze, lead, cadmium, mercury, acetone, and even formaldehyde. To give you an insight into how much of this is bullshit, McCarthy was awarded the James Randi Educational Foundation’s Pigasus Award in 2008, an award bestowed for contributions to pseudoscience.

PSEUDOSCIENCE. So this is also in the same league as various things such as astrology, psychokinesis and clairvoyance.. basically anything that has no actual scientific basis.

While, yes, the immediate concern is the health of children of these sorry individuals, an even more relevant question is the fate of the people who do take vaccinations. I.e the rest of us. Ultimately we may pay the biggest price, due to loss of "Herd Immunity". Obviously, when big enough slice of population has immunity, those without immunity will still get decent protection; and conversely, if there is not enough overall protection, ones without protection are even more prone to get the disease. With high enough vaccination coverage (along with effective treatments for those who do catch the disease), even not-so-effective vaccines work well. So, thanks to people like Jenny M and Schneider, normal people and their families are set to become a bit less protected against potentially lethal diseases. The influence celebrities have these days sickens me.

Can't we get a vaccination for Common Stupidity?
