H is for... Hypocrite.

Got something very exciting in the post yesterday- tickets from our Aunty for the preview night of MShed Bristol's 'An Eye For Fashion' exhibition, showcasing the photographs of Norman Parkinson; arguably the most celebrated fashion photographer of the 20th century.

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

I won't give you examples of his work now- as I will (hopefully!!) have some excellent pictures to show you post-event. I say 'hopefully!!' as my camera lens has got stuck or something and is not currently operational (is there anything I can do about this!??)-so I'm HOPING (begging) my lovely middle sister Sophie Medlin (@sophiemedlin) will let me carry her good camera around with me. I'm going to be going with Soph, our eldest sister Sammi (@sammimedlin) and her boyfriend Chris. Sophie and Chris both have excellent cameras, I'll have to do some sweet-talking.

I nearly wasn't going to go to this, as my boyfriend Greg (@GregGJJohnston) decided on a whim that he is going to come and visit me this week, and he mentioned possibly Friday. Now, I sincerely doubt that he would enjoy this event- plus, it would be nice for us to spend some time together and that, so I was going to cancel. But luckily it works out better for him to come and stay tomorrow and Thursday, so I am free on Friday to get bloggy. (I was actually going to get Sammi to do a guest blog post on the exhibition for me if I hadn't have gone, something which she seemed relatively keen on, so watch this space for her little face. It's something I'm considering, so if anyone else is keen, just give me a shout....)

Anyway, the reason I have brought up @GregGJJohnston is because he isn't such a fan of my blog (note the purposeful use of his Twitter name, so you can all go and hurl abuse at him). He's so supportive like that ;)- "Who even reads your blog? Who cares!?". I keep having to remind him that jealousy's a burden... But in all seriousness, he's not the only one who refers to me as 'Multimedia Medlin', and quite frankly, I have started to question what has happened to myself of late.

I will now refer you back to my first ever blog post: Click Here.

Now, I'd like to take some extracts from this post (mainly out of context, but I'm exaggerating- it makes for a better read):

1. "I'm Lucie and up until recently I was a self-confessed blog hater."

2. "...anyone who wrote a blog must be a self-indulgent egotist with too much time on their hands"

3. "It's a learning curve that no doubt will form in a spiral of over-confidence round to bitter self-loathing..."

4. "even writing this makes me a self-indulgent egotist with too much time on my hands"

That was me then. LOOK AT ME NOW.

All over the blogging.

What has become of me? (Is this the 'bitter self-loathing' phase?)

In any case, I have no intention of stopping blogging. Just thought I'd let you all know how much of a hypocrite I am, and make my apologies as Greg has clearly showed me that I've been in my 'over-confident' phase for way too long now ;).

#GregisaDoucheBag (use it).


Quick update: after telling Greg that he will be featuring in my blog post this evening, he has said verbatim: "I'm not arsed... Not like anyone will read it".

Cheers 'en! Wanna see my stats? #GregisaDoucheBag.