S is for... Spray-On Clothes!

How cool is this!? Particle engineer Paul Luckham and fashion designer Manel Torres from Imperial College London have combined cotton fibres, polymers and a solvent to form a liquid that becomes a fabric when sprayed. So spray on jeans could actually be in our future! I guess it might not be quite as flattering as your favourite knit if you've eaten too much cake say... (not that I have ANY experience of that). But the practicality of having clothing that will definitely fit you, comes in a variation of colours, can be washed or dissolved and re-sprayed into another garment, is versatile enough to be worn in any season, and turns anyone who uses it into a fashion designer in their own right, is pretty cool as far as I'm concerned!

On Monday, a fashion show at Imperial will feature the first couture collection created with the material! So watch this space... We'll be spraying ourselves clothed in no time! And there'll be no wardrobe space issues, as your clothes will be dissolvable and easily stored! Just think of the suitcase space you could save on holiday...

I love science.
